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General books on autism and Asperger syndrome


PAS has a small library of books and videos under the following titles:


My social stories book by Carol Gray

Social stories are a popular and highly effective way of teaching social and life skills to children on the autism spectrum. This book contains over 150 social stories. The helpful introduction explains how to get the most out of the book and offers guidelines for producing individualized social stories.


Teaching young children with autistic spectrum disorders to learn: a practical guide for parents and staff in mainstream schools and nurseries by Liz Hannah, illustrations by Steve Lockett

This wide-ranging, well-illustrated book offers all kinds of tried and tested strategies to help young people with autistic spectrum disorders develop and learn. Designed to be a really practical guide for nursery nurses, teachers and support staff in mainstream schools, as well as parents, the guide focuses on both learning and play and includes helpful guidance on numeracy and literacy. 


Challenging behaviour and autism: making sense – making progress by Philip Whitaker

This book is for parents, teachers and carers of youngsters with autistic spectrum disorders. It offers practical strategies for preventing or managing the sorts of challenging behaviour most likely to be encountered. With detailed case studies and key tips that allow it to be used as a quick reference, it also offers a step-by-step framework that enables readers to devise their own solutions.


Why does Chris do that ? by Tony Attwood

Tony Attwood is a world authority on Asperger syndrome. This useful and readable book examines the problems of people with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. A better understanding of the unique difficulties associated with autism and an explanation of how these cause unusual behaviour, as well as helpful advice on the management of unusual behaviour of children and adults with autism and Asperger syndrome is offered.


Playing, laughing and learning with children on the autistic spectrum: a practical resource of play ideas for parents and carers by Julia Moor

This book offers many ideas to gain a child’s attention and motivation and build on small achievements, with advice on how to redirect obsessions and rituals positively. The book also covers reading and making the most of television.


Giggle Time: establishing the social connection: a program to develop the communication skills of children with autism, Asperger syndrome and PDD by Susan Aud Sonders

This guide offers accessible child-centred ideas for the home or classroom inspired by the ideas of Dr Stanley Greenspan. Each activity is described in details with helpful illustrations and the aim of each is to encourage communication and response. It is ideal for anyone caring for or working with a child with delayed language and communication skills.


Toilet training for individuals with autism and related disorders: a comprehensive guide for parents and teachers by Maria Wheeler

This book describes strategies that have been demonstrated as effective in teaching toileting skills to children with autism. It includes over 200 toilet training tips and more than 40 case examples with solutions.


Can’t eat, won’t eat: dietary difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders by Brenda Legge

Brenda Legge, a mother of a child who has Asperger syndrome, offers some of her own strategies, as well as the tried and tested advice of a multitude of other parents, professionals and children.


Talking together about growing up – a workbook for parents of children with learning disabilities by Lorna Scott and Lesley Kerr-Edwards

Teaching children with autism about puberty and sexuality is a worry for many parents. This book takes a very practical approach by suggesting a range of activities parents can do with their children to help them understand the changes in their body during puberty. It is aimed at children with moderate and severe learning disabilities but is ideal for children on the autistic spectrum, with clear messages about appropriate behavior and many simple illustrations. Children at the high functioning end of the spectrum will also benefit from the straightforward exercises suggested in the book.


Holding on, letting go: sex, sexuality and people with learning disabilities by John Drury, Lynne Hutchinson and Jon Wright

This is an honest but sensitive exploration of sex and sexuality, written by authors who are experienced workers in this complex field. This realistic book is aimed at parents and carers to help them get to grips with sexuality issues.



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