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Hosted by uCoz










The ages of autism

This 30 minute video focuses on the wide variety of abilities and needs of people with autistic spectrum disorders and highlights the need for different services and support to enable people to reach their full potential. It includes interviews with a parent, people with autistic spectrum disorders and professionals in the field of autism discussing issues related to diagnosis, early intervention, schooling and adult life. This video is of interest to both parents and professionals working with children with asd.


Autism: behind an invisible wall

A unique video which offers parents, professionals and students a jargon-free description of autism. It highlights the problems experienced by people with autism and gives examples of typical behaviour. Of particular interest is the emphasis on individuals at the severe end of the autism spectrum.


(Voiced over into the Russian language with kind permission of the National Autistic Society, London, Great Britain) 


(Other home videos regarded privately from television, please contact PAS for details)





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Hosted by uCoz
Hosted by uCoz